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Writer's pictureWilliam

Protesting is for Losers.

One common sight in our society today is a group of people, signs in hands, chanting slogans, demanding change. Protesting. You'd think it's the ultimate form of democratic expression, but I'm here to tell you: it's not. Protesting, in my view, is for people who see themselves as victims, who see themselves as helpless, who look to the government or others to solve their problems. Let me explain why.

The Illusion of Victimhood

I remember seeing a protest when I was younger. It was a rally against tuition fee hikes at my university. There was a palpable sense of anger and frustration in the air, and I felt it too. People felt victimized, oppressed even. But that's all it was - a feeling. The students weren't victims. They had a choice. Go to a different school, don't go to school at all, etc.

In a democracy, we're consulted at regular intervals through elections. We can vote. We can influence policy. But standing on a street with a placard? That's not making a choice. That's outsourcing your choice to someone else.

Protests are for losers
Protests are for losers

A Better Way

Admittedly, standing on the street with a placard isn't going to change much. Not in any practical sense. But you know what does? Action. Winners take action. They adapt to the circumstances and make the best decisions for themselves given the situation.

Let's go back to the tuition fee example. Instead of protesting, we could have gotten part-time jobs, applied for scholarships, or taken out student loans. We could have adapted to the situation, instead of expecting the situation to adapt to us.

The World Doesn't Owe You Anything

The world is a tough place. It's not always fair, and it certainly doesn't owe you anything. Protesting, in a sense, is a manifestation of entitlement. It's the idea that the world should change to fit you. But that's not how it works.

The successful people I know don't wait for the world to change for their benefit. They adapt themselves to the world. They assess their circumstances, identify opportunities, and then seize those opportunities. They don't hold up signs on the street; they make moves on the chessboard.

Adapt or Lose

Ultimately, it boils down to a simple choice. You can adapt yourself to the world and win, or you can wait for the world to adapt to you and lose.

This isn't about denying the value of collective action or the power of people's voices. It's about recognizing that at the end of the day, real change comes from within. From making the tough decisions. From taking responsibility for your own life, instead of blaming others or expecting them to fix things for you.

So, go out there and vote. Educate yourself on the issues. But most importantly, take responsibility for your life. Don't wait for the world to change. Be the change. Because the world doesn't owe you anything. And the sooner you realize that, the better off you'll be.


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